zz-2023 Anthology

Deadline to send in your short story for the 2023 anthology is July 31, 2023. Please pay close attention to the submission guidelines below:
- Word Count: Maximum 5,000 words.
- Manuscript must be in Times New Roman, 11 point.
- All book titles should be italicized and lower case.
- Genre: Any fiction genre.
- Limit: One short story per author, who must be registered to attend the Creatures, Crimes and Creativity (C3) Con.
- Limited to twenty-five stories, so be sure and get registered today!
Short stories accepted for the anthology must be previously edited, and will also be edited and proofed by Intrigue Publishing, LLC for format and consistency. By submitting a short story, the author agrees to give Intrigue Publishing, LLC the rights of usage for the short story in the anthology to be printed for the attendees at the annual conference only. The anthology will not be published or sold to the public at any time or in any format. Please email submissions to intrigue.registrations@yahoo.com. All of this is at no cost to the author, other than the cost of attending the Creatures, Crimes and Creativity (C3) Con.