2025 Advertising

Below are the requirements and costs to advertise in the con program. If you would like to advertise in the program please send your advertisement to c3registrations@outlook.com no later than August 1. Once we receive your art for the ad we will send you an invoice via Paypal for payment.

You can submit your advertisement in the following formats: .doc, .pdf or .jpg. All ads will be in color.

INSIDE FRONT COVER$250Inside front cover: 8-1/2′ x 11’ (TRIM) 8.875’ x 11.25’ (BLEED)
INSIDE BACK COVER$250Inside back cover: 8-1/2′ x 11’ (TRIM) 8.875’ x 11.25’ (BLEED)
BACK COVER$2508.5’ x 11’ (TRIM) 8.875’ x 11.25’ (BLEED)
FULL PAGE$2008.5’ x 11’ (TRIM) 8.875’ x 11.25’ (BLEED)
1/2 PAGE$1007’ x 4.625’ (HORIZONTAL) 3.5’ x 9.25’ (VERTICAL)
1/4 PAGE$503.5’ x 4.625’ (VERTICAL ONLY)

Authors or publishers can promote themselves or their books with a display poster during the Con. We will place up to ten easels holding posters in the hotel atrium during the entire Con. The author must supply the easel and a poster that is no bigger than 24” X 36”. Cost is $50/poster display.

We also offer ad space in the monthly Creatures, Crimes and Creativity (C3) Con newsletter. Email c3registrations@outlook.com for more info. Cost: 3 months – $50, 6 months – $90, 1 year – $170.